Creative Wedding Ideas : Save the Date Handkerchiefs!

Today while browsing through the internet, I stumbled on this great idea for save-the-date cards. The twist is that they are not cards, they are save-the-date handkerchiefs! What a unique and different ideas. The idea comes from a person on Style me pretty.

creative wedding ideas handkerchievescreative wedding ideas handkerchiefs{Photos from Style me pretty}

The good thing about this idea is that you can find practically whatever designs or images you want and print on the handkerchiefs. As handkerchiefs are something people would keep for longer than cards, the receiver will remember about details of your wedding for a much longer time. The downsize of this idea is that it might take a lot of time and efforts to make these personalized handkerchiefs (including washing and ironing them). So it’s best to do this only you have a small wedding and your number of guests is manageable. This idea might also cost a bit extra for the cost of buying and printing the handkerchiefs. The girl who came up with this idea use Yudu for printing. Now she opened a service for custom printed handkerchiefs on Etsy already!

Overall this is a lovely and very creative idea that you can use for your own wedding. These save-the-date handkerchief idea is great especially for vintage, rustic and garden weddings. Even though of course with different prints you can make these for any wedding theme you want!

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